
Part time:

Mon-Wed, landscaping crew, generally 7-10 hours with flexibility

Thur-Fri, lawn crew, generally 8-11 hours with little flexibility

Full time:

5 day workweeks, typically working on both crews, generally 40-50hr weeks depending on the season. Includes benefits. Please contact for more information.

Pay is hourly and begins at $13.50, after a short 2-week (10-day) probation period pay may be renegotiated. Pay is in arrears, and it's paid in the next week.


Plant identification - Immediate bonus incentive. Every 50 plants someone knows is a 50¢ raise, and we have had people come on board making much more than the base pay.

The need for employees fluctuates as the seasons do, so please contact us for more information regarding employment opportunities.